Our lawyers routinely litigate matters in this Court, and we are well-versed with the nuances to practicing in the Rocket Docket. For this reason, other lawyers seek our expertise and services to assist them with their matters.
Likewise, practicing in Virginia State Courts is different from most other states. For instance, up until 2006, Virginia Courts followed different procedures for cases arising in equity and cases arising in law.
Even the dramatic changes in 2006 did not merge equity and law in Virginia, but merely standardized certain procedural aspects of the practice. Moreover, many counties still make extensive use of “local rules” which can vary significantly from county-to-county. Our attorneys are here to assist in the navigation of Virginia’s Court System.
The attorneys in our Litigation Practice Group are licensed to practice law in all State and Federal Courts throughout the DC Metro region, and are available to assist counsel with cases throughout the area.