Termination / Separation: Termination of an employment relationship can often lead to discord and misunderstanding. This is particularly true in a down economy, where terminated employees have difficulty finding replacement employment, and thus can feel financial pressure to assert some claim against their former employer. Our lawyers represent clients involved in disputes over termination or separation issues, including severance and release agreements.
Discrimination / Harassment Claims: Sometimes, a terminated employee tries to strike back at their former employer by pressing a claim of discrimination or harassment. Our lawyers represent clients in such matters at all levels, including local or state agencies, the EEOC, and in the Courtroom. Our lawyers have written various articles about aspects of discrimination and harassment, such as this one addressing Work Authorizations (I-9) and this one addressing an employer’s liability for a predecessor’s acts of discrimination.
USERRA: Soldiers serving in the reserves have federally protected rights to return to their position after a deployment. Particularly in the DC Metro region, and working as closely with Government Contractors as we do, we see a lot of individuals who are in the reserves and get deployed. Our lawyers have litigated cases over USERRA rights, as well as counsel individuals and employers on their rights under this important Federal Statute. Our lawyers have written articles about USERRA, such as this one summarizing the law, and this one addressing some statutory amendments.
Wage & Payment Act Claims: An area that often comes up under this law is whether a terminated employee was properly paid out accrued bonuses, and whether bonuses constitute wages under the law. Our lawyers have experience litigating various aspects of wage & hour claims.