Virginia Trade Secret Litigation Lawyers
Helping Businesses in the DC Area Keep their Competitive Edge and Protect Their Trade Secrets
It’s critical for any business to protect the secrets that made the company a success. Trade secrets protect innovations that are secret and bestow a commercial advantage to the keeper. It is often advantageous to use trade secret protection rather than patent protection for certain types of inventions. Our attorney will help you decide what options are best depending on your circumstances.
Comprehensive and Skilled Counsel in Intellectual Property Law
It is important for businesses and inventors to secure their intellectual property rights to unique developments in order to avoid the risk of having their work stolen, without hope of legal recourse. Attorneys at General Counsel, P.C. provide legal counsel to entrepreneurs and emerging growth companies seeking to protect their rights to new business products, innovative technologies, and unique methods of doing business. We also work to safeguard brand identity.
General Counsel, P.C., is committed to providing knowledgeable legal advice to businesses and inventors with regard to patent, trademark and copyright law.