General Counsel, P.C. and the Strategic Business Forum
invite you to join us for a presentation featuring
Ali Saadat
Founder, CEO and Board Chair of FedBid
Ali Saadat is a lifelong entrepreneur with a passion for using disruptive technology, service, and business model innovations to improve business and market value. He brings over 35 successful years of building information technology and Internet industry companies to his role as FedBid’s CEO. With over 150 employees, and $1.4B in transaction volume in 2012 alone, it’s clear how Ali’s leadership enabled the firm to secure a significant investment from Revolution Growth, a venture capital fund created by Steve Case, Ted Leonsis and Donn Davis.
Early bird registration closes today ! Register Now.
Join top business owners and other leaders from around the national capital area on April 29th, as we welcome Ali as our next guest! Been awhile and you don’t remember what the Strategic Business Forum is about, or you haven’t experienced our new format? Scroll to the bottom of this e-mail to learn more.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Tower Club
8000 Tower Crescent Drive
Vienna, Virginia 22182
11:30 am until 1:30 pm
Cost: $46 before midnight, April 18
$59 before midnight, April 25
$109 after the 25th or at the door
About the Strategic Business Forum:
First launched in April 2010 as The Entrepreneurs Club of America – National Capital Region, the purpose of the Strategic Business Forum is to educate and inspire entrepreneurs and other business leaders to create remarkably successful enterprises. We do this through interviewing Founders who have grown their businesses above at least $3M in revenue or CEOs of larger companies that have led their companies through growth periods. The forum is run at break-even (yup – that means I lose money if everyone registers early bird), there are no sales pitches and there is nothing to join. The Strategic Business Forum is a pure lunch and learn, with some light networking thrown in, for the express purpose of allowing business owners and other leaders to learn from the great successes of others.
Using an interview format, questions are typically along the lines of:
- General background (where the speaker grew up, went to college, etc. Basically any interesting aspects of his/her formative years,etc.)
- How he/she started or took over the business
- How did he/she grow the business to where it is today (or where it was when he/she exited). Looking for events, strategies, key hires, key fires, etc. Whatever were the key building blocks to getting him/her there.
- What were some of his/her most exciting victories (war stories)
- What were some of his/her biggest failures? Things that if he/she had a chance to do over again, he/she would do it differently (common items here are waiting too long to fire someone, micromanaging, etc.). Again, looking for war stories.
- What are the key takeaways that the speaker really wants the audience to know (ANYTHING that is important – lessons learned, processes, key advisers, hires, fires, leadership, marketing, tenacity, facing reality, etc., etc.)
- Anything else the speaker wants to share with the group? Any words of wisdom? Who is/was his/her mentor? Where does he/she go for encouragement? What book is he/she reading? Etc.
We end with Q&A with the audience.